Residential School Survivors & Education

Public speaking engagements

We are both survivors of the residential schools and have been on our healing journeys for over 60 years. We have worked hard to heal from our past experiences. We are committed to educating those who want to learn and understand the history and we are honoured to pass along to survivors the tools that we have found most helpful.

presentation content

Discussions include Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the residual affects from those experiences; Trauma is often displayed in negative behaviours that impact the Indigenous individuals, families and community.

We address these topics from both traditional and western perspectives by utilizing the teachings of the Medicine Wheel and combining them with western methodologies to explain behaviours and their consequences.

We create conditions of safety, sacredness, trust and non-judgement which are all necessary for people to move forward and heal. We operate from the condition of strength and trust, which is foundational to the healing of people who suffer from these experiences.

All of our presentations are customized to meet the needs of the group that we are working with. Content may include interactive workshops and facilitated sessions. Depending on the needs, sessions can be developed for a single day workshop up to a two week complete course.