
Sawano Pinesiwan Training and Services

Sawano Pinesiwan provides culturally appropriate Indigenous Education and holistic Life Skills Training integrating the philosophy of the Medicine Wheel and the Seven Grandfathers Teachings. By honouring the vision and goals of the people, companies and communities we support, we are able to customize our programs to meet their unique needs. These training programs have been delivered in both in public and private sectors, across Canada, since 2005.

The training and educational programs include the Life Skills program, Life Skills Coach Training Certificate, Cultural Training, Professional Development, Pre-Employment Skills, Trauma PTSD Focus Counselling and Residential School Survivor Education.

In addition to holistic training and educational services, Sawano Pinesiwan also participates in conferences and guest speaking engagements across Canada.

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As a result of the intergenerational impacts of the residential schools, many of our people have suffered. Indigenous people are a beautiful and strong nation which has survived and is thriving. It is our connection to Creator, to each other and to the land which has sustained us.

The Elders tell us this is the time to support the whole person: spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally. Our goal is that through education, we will stir and nurture the spirit of our people and the communities around us so that we may warm their hearts, enliven their bodies and open their minds.

We have learned from the past. My dream is that we can collectively make a difference for our people today and for our future leaders of tomorrow. May we bring unity among all Canadians.

~On Sawano Pinesiwan’s educational goals, Ruth Murdock