Life Skills Coach Training

program objectives

A training opportunity in decolonization and reclamation for individuals interested in becoming a certified Life Skills Coach.



The Training of Trainers - Life Skills Coach Training is an intensive program that combines the Teachings of the Medicine Wheel with modern methodologies to provide Indigenous adult learners with the opportunities to become Life Skills Coaches. Participants will examine the inter-generational affects of Residential Schools, colonization and systemic oppression. At the conclusion of this program, participants can expect to have developed the following capabilities;

  • Enhance skill-set in working with Indigenous people

  • Ability to recognize and appreciate the skills and experiences of all people

  • Gain new insight into the inter-generational impacts of colonization

  • Learn how to personally decolonize and support others to in this process

  • Examine post trauma and related stress and learn new ways of responding and helping others

  • Deepen awareness about your strengths and gifts

  • Develop life enhancing practices

Students will be provided with the following supports and services:

  • Access to Elders, Traditional Healers and Helpers, Sweat lodges and Sage picking

  • Tutoring by instructors and Coaching in small groups

  • Connections to community organizations, agencies and institutions

  • Focusing counselor available (to be determined)

  • Resource materials such as books, tapes audio-visual aids

who should attend

Adults who are seeking in-depth information about how colonization affects the lives of Indigenous people and how to effectively support others through the process of decolonization and reclamation.